The goal of the Backpack Program is to meet the needs of hungry children by providing nutritious and easy to prepare foods at times when other resources are not available, such as weekends and school vacations.
The children in the program have food placed in their backpacks each Friday to provide nutritious food over the weekend. The program serves students kindergarten through 12th grade plus siblings who also live in the home.
- How many students are getting food each month?
- We are currently serving over 350 students.
- What grades are served?
- We serve children ages 3 years through 12th grade in all schools in Weakley County.
- What kind of food items are sent home?
- All food items are non-perishable, easy to open and easy to prepare. Typically we send home a mixture of breakfast, snack, lunch and drink/juice items.
- How are students identified?
- We rely on the school staff for referrals.
- Does the Weakley County Backpack Program know the students served?
- No, it is completely anonymous.

- Where do you purchase the food items from?
- All food items are purchased through Second Harvest Food Bank in Nashville.
- Where does funding come from?
- We are completely funded through donations. All donations made go toward the purchase of food.
- How can I make a donation?
- You can make a donation through any of the following ways: Mail a check to: PO Box 804 Dresden, TN 38225 Drop off the donation at any Simmons Bank Location. Call one of our board members and we can pick it up. *All donations are tax deductible.
- How can I get involved?
- We invite any individual or group to join us the 1st Tuesday of every month at 12:00 pm at the Dresden First Baptist Church Family Life Center to help pack food bags. If you are unable to participate on Tuesdays, we can also use plastic bag donations. If you have the time to double bag them that is always helpful as well. Donated bags can be dropped off at the Dresden First Baptist Church Family Life Center or at any Simmons Bank location.
- How much does it cost to feed a student?
- $200 a year.
- Can I just donate food items?
- We do not accept donations of food items.
How to get involved
Volunteers are always needed to help pack food bags on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 12:00 at Dresden First Baptist Church Family Life Center.